Sunday, September 12, 2010


Because I can.

So apparently I suck at blogging. Mostly because it's just infrequent. Perhaps I will take up...I couldn't think of anything appropriate I haven't already done. I'm a terrible person.

Drink- Check
Smoking- Check
Assorted bad decisions- Check

Now if I can kick liver disease and lung cancer, I will have lived a moderately exciting life before I turn 20! Yay me!

I hope I get shot before I get cancer. If not, I will move to X country and no one will ever hear from me again. Unless I am rich. Then there will be a stream of surgeons and drugs. I wonder what surgery is like. I would be good at it were it not the thing in my brain. hmm...

I should call my doctor. Supposedly, she has drugs that can help me. Worth a shot I suppose. Ack, brain.

I am clean for a week! yay quitting!

It sucks balls. I need an alternate habit to distract me. Ooo men!

I need to move away. Not just out, away. It will be good for me. I like that Blogspot continuously saves a draft of my writings. It makes me feel secure.

Is it weird that when I feel insecure, I tend to ignore it with thoughts of awesomeness? I don't think so, but denial tends to screw up your perspective on these things. Switching brains with someone would be awesome. For like ten minutes, then it would be kind of awkward. I wonder how long it would take to tap into someone's secret thoughts that they don't want you to know. I imagine some would be glaringly obvious, while you would have to dig for others.

I can just imagine how that conversation would go: "Hi, can I have 10 minutes inside of your brain?"

Someday it will be a book.

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