Tuesday, March 30, 2010

and so...

so i'm pro at multitasking. I want to know if this is a good thing to put on my resume or not. Some people think it implies work is done sloppily but i disagree.
apparently I have commitment issues. Shocker, I know, but I never really thought about it a lot...i can't even commit to a habit. (see Tory's inconsistent smoking)



*moves on*

perhaps i will move away. Spain is nice. Also France. Need to brush up on my languages if that is to be the plan.


  1. how about: you get some learning from u of g whilst studying european languages avec moi, and then we can go on our mad UK comedy tour and move to andorra!

  2. lol, do you have committment issues regarding staying on your own continent?
    who told you you have these issues

  3. B: okay!

    D: i guess? lol never thought about that...and i think its quite obvious to anybody paying attention

  4. ahh. I just wondered if it were some sudden revelation, or a heated argument with someone and then that gets yelled out
    (lol, that's what happens in my family, at least :P)
