Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Part 2!

Now for men!


I know a lot of men/guys/boys. I make friends with them easier, find them more entertaining, and often more helpful than many girls i know. The majority of my friends have been guys since i was about 7, so i have had a lot of time to observe the male gender. And contrary to popular belief, as a group, they are not a complicated people. 

This is also a synopsis of what i have learned in my collective relationships/meaningless flings.

Boys want sex, food, understanding and a little love. Usually in that order. 

 Complete honesty in a relationship is not only impossible, its a bad idea. Neither one of you really wants to know how many people the other has kissed, whether you ever had a crush on their brother (or sister), etc. Sometimes a white lie can save a relationship while complete honesty is a little ridiculous. Anyone who saw the episode of that 70's Show where Kelso told Jackie about every lie he ever told her will understand my point.

While we're talking about lying, may as well talk about acting. If you want him to stay interested, pretend you like stuff you secretly hate. Whether its the biting, the incessant phone calls, or just his music. Sometimes it works itself out, but its a short term strategy mostly. 

 Even if a boy tells you that he loves you for you, he's still gonna try to change things about you. Some boys are subtle, some are rather blunt. One boy asked me that i wear tighter jeans. i made him pay for them. If you don't have a problem with the change, don't let him know. Make him fight for it. Its more fun this way. Also it makes him feel like he earned it. 

I know girls do this to their men as well, so introduce a little bit of give and take. He stops wearing that god-awful shirt and you will wear a lower cut one on Tuesday. Boobs usually trump everything. More on that later. 

Yeah i can only cram so many thoughts into one post so thats it for now!


  1. "Boobs usually trump everything"
    I love that line!
    I only wish I were just a little bit more than a B....

  2. Interesting for the most part, though i feel slightly underrated now....
    anywho, totally disagree with your acting comment, if a girl pretends to like my stuff, and i genuinely like her, i would be ticked to find out she had been faking it, seriously, that's just rude. lol, not really angry, just had to sound critical of something :P

  3. lol thats why i said it was just a short term strategy. why do you feel underrated?
