Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Self-reflective thoughts

As odd as this sounds, I've been doing a great deal of soul searching recently, mostly on the direction of my life as far as long-term commitments go and so on. I find it very odd to post my findings on the internet, but apparently nothing is private anymore so here goes my mini rant (in point form for easy reading!)

As women, we give ourselves unrealistic expectations. The general populous teaches us that we cannot be happy unless we have a man (or woman if you swing that way) in our lives. 

And after we have found said man, we must work super hard at keeping him interested, because that is our jobs as good little gf's/wives. 

Oh yeah and you have to have kids too. and if you stay at home then your children will hate you for being smothering and people will think you are lazy for not getting a"real job". 

Now if you do go out and get a job/career, your children will be bitter that you were never there, people will judge you for that. 

If you try and do both, you will almost certainly burnout or one half of your life will suffer. This leads to a downward spiral of depression and alcoholism (not always but work with me here)

Worth it? I think not.

Note: this is part one of my rant. part two is about men which should be fun times. 

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